For engineers

Engage Your Passions

There is something very important to be said about stability in career, but all too often people find themselves being drained because of the lack of passion in their work. Alpha seeks to give you the opportunity to engage in those passions while maintaining the stability of your current career. Our contractors are covered by our insurance and backed financially by our ownership that is committed to innovation. This allows you to be relieved of the barriers that are preventing you to pursue your projects in engineering, A.I., and more.

Own Your Work

With profit sharing pay and royalty agreements, Alpha is committed to making sure that you are motivated to not only provide excellent work now, but also will have the desire to work with us in the future. We want you to excel because we expect excellence. With that expectation we want you to feel that we are enabling you, not holding you back. As your partnership with Alpha grows, so does your ownership in the projects you are involved. Inquire more about how you can access the value of your work by partnering with Alpha

Join A Community

We at our core are better in community. We each have our strengths and weaknesses, intrigue and boredom. We want to grow more than just profits in a company, we want to bring people together that want to grow and learn. We want those working with up not only feel supported but feel empowered by those around them. We have partners from all across the US and abroad, MIT grads to coal miners with no degree at all, men women and others all with one commonality, the desire to advance the world around us. If this sounds like you, please join our community forum to start your partnership with Alpha. Even if you don’t end up working on a project, we all can still benefit from your experience.

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